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Monitoring & Evaluation

The MEL System for the project shall be a process that helps improve performance and achieve results. Its goals are to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impacts. The system is built according to result base management (RMB), a management strategy focusing on performance and achievement of output, outcomes and impacts. It shall also require the government – with the support of World Bank and other entities – to ensure the following are available at the Federal level and to the extent necessary at sub-national levels:

  • Data management tools and instruments; this shall include data collection and analysis tools, data analysis tools and computers (both hardware and software – SPSS and other analytical tools).
  • M&E operational manual including M&E framework or policy.
  • Robust Project Management Information System.

The FPCU (Federal Project Coordination Unit) shall have at least one M&E Officer. Each SPCU (State Project Coordination Unit) shall have at least one M&E officer. The officers shall be able to carry out routine M&E duties with support of the LGA level staff. Where this ability is weak, the project shall have the responsibility of seeking support and capacity building for the M&E Unit. The project will provide support to improve monitoring capacity in FMWA and relevant institutions and apply this to government programs.

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Plan

The Monitoring Plan shall clearly demonstrate how to monitor and evaluate the project’s activities. The M&E Plan shall enable a comprehensive assessment of project’s progress, effectiveness and impacts in the six project states and any additional project State/s. The M&E Unit of FPCU, with support from the M&E third party entity and the World Bank, shall within six months of project effectiveness (after development of the project’s work plan) produce a comprehensive M&E Plan for the project.

Annual Work Plan & Budget for  M&E

The project’s M&E team shall prepare an annual work plan and budget each project year to be submitted to FPCU/SPCU. The M&E plan shall cover the following:

  • Project indicators with indicator reference sheet.
  • Data sources for the various indicators.
  • Method and frequency of data collection.
  • Responsible offices/officers for data collection.
  • Procedure for conducting evaluations.
  • Method of data analysis and interpretation to generate credible information.
  • Method, frequency and timing of reporting.
  • Information flow, channels of data dissemination, use and feedback.
An M&E workshop will be carried out to develop a detailed M&E plan for different levels. This workshop shall include relevant actors at all levels.

Project Monitoring

The Monitoring Plan shall clearly demonstrate how to monitor and evaluate the project’s activities. The M&E Plan shall enable a comprehensive assessment of project’s progress, effectiveness and impacts in the six project states and any additional project State/s. The M&E Unit of FPCU, with support from the M&E third party entity and the World Bank, shall within six months of project effectiveness (after development of the project’s work plan) produce a comprehensive M&E Plan for the project.

A baseline assessment shall be initiated within the first seven months of project effectiveness and completed within twelve months of project effectiveness. A firm shall be engaged to carry out the baseline assessment.

The baseline data (for indicators in the PAD) shall serve as a benchmark against which project progress in respect of key results, outcomes and impacts will be measured. Findings from the baseline study will be used to fine-tune project strategy and interventions.The project shall have a web-based data management system to be hosted by the FNWA and NFWP and will raise the capacity of the country to collect, store, share and manage data related to women empowerment and related subjects. This requires forging and sustaining “data partnerships” among actors, instilling a culture of open information and mutual learning, and a shift towards more evidence-based decision-making.

The main components of the MIS shall include:

  • Data Gathering – the process of collecting required data from internal and external sources.
  • Data Entry – collected data is imputed and stored in the database. The database is the core component used in information processing.
  • Data Transformation – stored data is transformed into useful information through the application of analytical techniques using computer programs.
  • Data Utilization – data that has been transformed into useful information is retrieved as needed by the management for decision-making.